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Post by edenooch »

Michelle Obama’s Shorts: too short? photos and slideshow
August 19, 7:53 PMUS Headlines ExaminerCharisse Van Horn

Michelle Obama: Shorts too short?

First lady Michelle Obama walks down the stairs of Air Force One with her daughter Malia Obama, 11, Sunday, Aug. 16, 2009 at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. The Obama's were returning from a trip to the Grand Canyon. (AP Photo/Matt York)First lady Michelle Obama walks down the stairs of Air Force One with her daughter Malia Obama, 11, Sunday, Aug. 16, 2009 at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. The Obama's were returning from a trip to the Grand Canyon. (AP Photo/Matt York)

When Michelle Obama went sleeveless she drew the outcry of many who felt she wasn’t dressed as a ‘First Lady’ should be. Now, it’s her shorts. Drawing criticism from many, the new controversy is whether it is appropriate for the ‘First Lady’ to bare her legs.

Now, it wasn’t that she was wearing her ‘short shorts’ to any political function or official event. She was wearing shorts this past weekend, when she, President Obama, her daughters, and a slew of secret service agents and reporters went on a vacation to the Grand Canyon. It’s enough to make one ask, “Shorts in the desert? How dare she!

And if it wasn’t bad enough that the First Lady is getting slack for her short shorts, the First Family was hiking. Yes! Hiking. As, if one can go hiking in designer dresses and high heels. Yet, this seems to be the thought of many who simply feel that viewing the bare legs of the First Lady simply is inappropriate.

However, to give the critics their due, some feel that once Michelle Obama stepped off Air Force One, she left the informal setting of hiking in the Grand Canyon behind. After exiting the airplane, they feel, she was in an official setting, therefore, official attire was required. Maybe next time, Michelle should wear the shorts while hiking, and change before exiting the plane. Still, some find that having a First Lady who is self-confident, energetic, and healthy far surpasses the length of her shorts or wearing sleeveless dresses. If anything, Michelle Obama has presented herself as a woman who exudes confidence and has an assuredness about herself.

Whether you agree with Michelle Obama’s choice to wear shorts, one thing is certain. Michelle Obama is a far cry from the previous first ladies that have graced the White House with their presence, and for many, it is a refreshing change.
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